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Cost: BDT1100000/persons
Transit Type:
Ticket Type:
Route Details:
Package Key Feature
- During the entire Manasik of Hajj, you are able to stay at a 5-star hotel in Mecca and be transported back and forth each day until your successful completion of Hajj.
- Access to the Iskander Air’s Exclusive Mena Camps, located right across from the Jamarat; the air-conditioned Mena pre-fabricated units are constructed with drywall for added comfort and privacy.
- Unlimited access to Mena Executive Lounge with executive accommodations (furnished foam mattress sleeping chair).
- Private Arafat camp dedicated for Iskander Air with executive air-conditioned furnished tent.
- Latest model buses throughout Hajj trip.
- Meals:
- As well as these core features and service:
- Iskander Air provides you with the following:
Breakfast and lunch buffets will be provided in the 5-star hotels in Medina
Breakfast and lunch provided in the 5-star hotels in Mecca during the Manasik
lunch & Dinner buffets will be provided in Mena
Breakfast and lunch will be provided in Arafat
Dedicated assigned agent throughout the booking process as
well as a dedicated group leader for your Hajj trip
Hajj tutorial sessions prior to your trip through a variety of multimidia video sessions, the Iskander Air Hajj forum and in-person seminars.
Dedicated qualified Imams in each program to provide you spiritual guidance throughout your trip
Worry-free Iskander Air luggage management & transportation
Medically qualified staff available for general assistance during Hajj days.
Dedicated barbers are available at the Mena camp.
Our team of staff members are available and assisting you at all times
All of your hotel stays will provide you with breakfast and dinner buffets or as specified within your itinerary
Educational Hajj materials and some accessories will provide prior to your Hajj trip.
Ihrams for male pilgrims.
Prayer rugs for female pilgrim.
Iskander Air Backpack for your convenience
Iskander Air shoe bag