Deluxe Program BDT 360000 / Person
This Deluxe Program-1 begins in Makkah where you perform Umrah and enjoy your stay in front of the Haram. You then travel to Madinah and enjoy your stay in front of Masjid Al Nabawi. Return to Makkah to the Iskander Air accommodations in Aziziya, located 2 mile from our Mena Camp, to prepare for Manasik of Hajj including lectures and Q & As with our Imams. Our exclusive, air conditioned Mena Camp is located directly in front of the Jamaraat where you will stay during the Manasik of Hajj while having access to the Aziziya accommodations as needed. Perform Hajj with comfort and ease and with exemplary services from Iskander Air .
Transit Type:
Ticket Type:
Route Details: Dhaka - Jeddah - Makkah - Medina - Makkah - Al Masha'er - Makkah - Jeddah - Dhaka
Honourable Religious Advisor:
Package Key Features
- Accommodations in 3-star hotels in Mecca and Medina very close to both Haramains
- Accommodations in Apartment Hotel in Mecca in Aziziyah (Quad occupancy only)
- Access to the Iskander Air’s Exclusive Mena Camps, located right across from the Jamarat; the air-conditioned Mena pre-fabricated units are constructed with drywall for added comfort and privacy
- Meals:
Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be provided in the 3-star hotels
Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be provided in the Iskander Air Apartment Hotel
lunch and dinner will be provided in Mena
Breakfast and lunch will be provided in Arafat
- As well as these core features and services:
Dedicated assigned agent throughout the booking process as well as a dedicated group leader for your Hajj trip
Hajj tutorial sessions prior to your trip through a variety of webinars, live video sessions, conference calls, the Iskander Air Hajj forum, and in-person seminars
Dedicated qualified Imams in each program to provide you spiritual guidance throughout your trip
Worry-free Iskander Air luggage management & transportation
Our team of staff members are available to assist you
- Iskander Air provides you with the following:
Educational Hajj materials prior to trip
Iskander Air Backpack for your convenience
Iskander Air shoe bag
- Hajj Pre-Registration fee ( BDT 30752 )
- KSA has introduced two taxes recently: a 5% VAT effective January 1, 2018; and an additional 5% Municipality Fee effective February 14, 2018. Iskander Air is sharing some of the increased costs due to these taxes. Your portion of the increase costs is estimated at BDT 54530/- per person, which includes the VAT and Municipality Fee.
- Identification
Original passport valid for at least 6 months from traveling date with a minimum of two blank pages for visa endorsement. All passports must be machine-readable.
- Photos
2 recent passport-size color photographs with white background. The photograph must be a full-face view where the visa applicant is facing the camera directly. Side or angled views are not acceptable. Your name should be written on the back of the photographs
- Application
One Visa Application Form per person. Form should be filled-out in INK or printed and signed.
- Proof of Relationship
All women & children require Proof of Relationship with their Mahram (Marriage certificate for married couples and Birth Certificate for children under 18 years’ age, indicating names of both parents). Please provide legible copy of the document(s) and keep the original(s) with you. Minors (under 18 years of age) traveling with one parent must also submit a notarized letter of authorization signed by both parents or legal guardians.
- Name
If you do not have a Muslim name, a certificate is required from the Imam of your Masjid indicating that you are a Muslim.
- Unaccompanied Female Travelers
For women traveling alone in a group, the following is required:
She must be 45 years of age or older.
She must provide a NOTARIZED letter from her Mahram indicating that he has no objection for her to travel for HAJJ with Iskander Air Travel .
Proof of Relationship document required showing relationship of the woman to the Mahram.
- A Mahram is a Husband, Father, Brother, Son, Uncle, Grandfather (Brother or son must be 18 years of age or older)